Privacy Policy

Last updated: April 6, 2024

Thank you for choosing to use Snibox (hereinafter referred to as "the App"). We respect and protect the personal privacy of all users who use the App. To provide better services, we need to collect and use some of your personal information. This privacy policy details how we collect, use, store, and share your personal information, as well as how you can manage and control this information.

  1. Information Collection and Use
  2. In order to provide and improve our Services, we will collect and process your personal information and user information in accordance with this Policy. If you do not provide this information, we may be unable to provide you with our products or Services. You should ensure that all personal information and user information submitted to us is complete, accurate, true and correct. Failure on your part to do so may result in our inability to provide you with all or some of our Services.
  3. Account Information
  4. When you use our Services, we might recommend you sign up for an account with us to take full advantage of our Services and all their features. When you create an account, we may collect user name, email, third-party login credentials and other information, which can be used to identify you or provide you with our services.
  5. Mobile Device Information
  6. When you use our Services on your mobile device, we will collect information about your device, including its International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), Unique Device Identifier (UDID) or Android ID, Universally Unique Identifier (GUUID), User ID (UID), Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) and Identifier for Vendor (IDFV), Open Anonymous Device Identifier (OAID), Integrated Circuit Card Identifier (ICCID), Media Access Control (MAC) address, the type of device you use, device platform, device manufacturer, device brand, device model, operating system version, a list of mobile applications installed on your device and resolution, which will be used by us for statistical and/or analytical reasons, including without limitation to improve our technical functionality, server load-balancing, analysis of technical data relating to your mobile device so as to optimize our Services and graphics adaptation.
  7. Document data
  8. When you use the PDF editing feature, most functions perform calculations only on your device and do not upload the file to the server. When you use functions such as PDF to Office, Office to PDF, PDF compression, etc., your document needs to be uploaded to our server for processing and then the processed file is returned.
  9. Image Information
  10. By choosing to use the cloud editing feature of our Services, you understand and agree that we must upload your photos to our server for processing before returning processed photos to you for the purposes of providing such service to you and continuous optimization and that we will also receive the EXIF data about your photos (EXIF data may contain GPS coordinates where photos were taken and processed, equipment type, ISO and information about the front and rear cameras and creation time, depending on the equipment manufacturer) for the purpose of further optimizing our Services, such as providing a better match of photo effects to your equipment.
  11. Metadata
  12. metadata is data that describes data. For example, metadata can describe the analysis results of facial features, gender, age of the characters in photos and other elements contained in photos, which are generated and tagged by the computer algorithm and artificial intelligence. When you use our Services, we will use photo metadata to provide you with certain features including precise “Facial Recognition”, “Key-Points Recognition”, “Region Segmentation”, “Content Tags” and other custom features based on a combination of these basic features. We may use your photo metadata to provide you with more suitable filters and better photo effect when our apps process your photos; we may also make use of the metadata to serve up a more contextually relevant products or services to you.
  13. Facial Feature Information
  14. In order to provide certain Services, apart from utilizing metadata as mentioned above, we may collect your facial feature information (including but not limited to facial images) and use face recognition technology to recognize faces in photos and camera experiences. We may detect and use facial marks to provide face recognition contents and facial manipulation features. Our Services may utilize calculation results of certain AR technologies in relation to depth of facial mapping information, which may require to use your facial recognition features in order to ensure the face image processing effect and perform feature analysis using the algorithm. The information we collect will not be used for identifying a specific person, and is used to provide the mentioned features only. When the content recommendation is finished or upon the closing of the application, the facial mapping information is discarded. This information is not shared with any third parties. We will neither use the results for other purposes, nor capture any data in the file nor upload data to the server for recording purposes.
  15. Third-Party Services
  16. The App uses Firebase as a third-party service provider to support certain functions of the App. Firebase may collect and process your device information, location information, and log data to provide services and improve products. We promise that Firebase will comply with the relevant provisions of this privacy policy and protect your personal information security.

  17. Information Storage and Security
  18. We store your personal information on secure servers and take industry-standard security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, loss, or leakage.

  19. Information Sharing
  20. We will not share, provide, transfer, or obtain your personal information from third parties without your consent.

  21. Protection of Personal Information Security
  22. We will strive to take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information. In particular, we will adopt industry-standard methods and make our best commercial efforts to protect the security of your personal sensitive information.

  23. Access, Correction, Deletion of Personal Information, and Withdrawal of Consent
  24. You have the right to access, correct, delete personal information, withdraw consent authorization, and the methods for account cancellation and complaint reporting. If you disagree with this privacy policy and start using, we will only collect information necessary to maintain the basic shooting function of the "App", which will result in us being unable to provide you with complete products and services, but we will still adopt measures such as de-identification and encryption to protect this information.

We attach great importance to the protection of user personal information and will treat this information with diligence and prudence. When you download, install, open, browse, register, log in, and use (collectively referred to as "use") the "App" software and related services, we will collect, save, use, share, disclose, and protect your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We hope that this Privacy Policy will introduce to you how we handle your personal information, so we recommend that you read all the terms of this Privacy Policy carefully.

This privacy policy is intended to help you understand the following content:

  1. How we collect and use personal information
  2. Our use of Cookies and similar technologies
  3. How we store personal information
  4. How we share, transfer, and disclose personal information
  5. How we protect the security of personal information
  6. Your rights
  7. Minor's terms of use
  8. Privacy policy amendments and notifications
  9. How we integrate partners' SDKs
  10. Scope of application
  11. Other
  • I. How We Use Personal Information
  • As you use the "App" software and services, we will collect information based on the principles of legality, justice, and necessity. The information we collect or ask you to provide will be used for:

    1. Services. To provide, process, maintain, improve and develop our Services provided to you, including customer support, and other services provided through our products.
    2. Statistical analysis. To develop and analyze statistics on the use of our products and Services for the purpose of improving our products and our Services.
    3. To create an account. The personal information that we collect when you use our Services to create an account will be used by us to create your account and profile.
    4. To ensure the safety of products, services, and user usage;
    5. To comply with laws, regulations, and national standards.

    (I) The personal information we actively collect and use

    We will collect the information you actively provide when using the service, as well as the information generated during your use of the function or acceptance of the service:

    1. To ensure the normal operation of the "App" and the safety of the account and system, when you use the "App" and related services, we will collect information including but not limited to IMEI, IMSI, device MAC address, software list, device serial number, running process information, androidID, operating system version, IP address, software version number, network access mode and type, operation logs, device software platform and firmware; mobile operator; postal code, area code, rough positioning and other geographic data; audio recording permissions; software installation list; access to device sensors, listen to sensors, or other information reasonably required to enhance our services and other products.
    2. Registration, authentication, and login to the "App" and related services: You can use third-party account authorization to log in to the App. At this time, you will authorize us to obtain the public information you registered on the third-party platform (such as avatar, nickname, etc.), and bind your third-party account to your App account after you agree to this privacy policy.
    3. To ensure the safety of products, services, and user usage, to help us better understand the operation of the "App" and related services, to ensure the safety of operation and service provision, we may record network log information, as well as the frequency of using the software and related services, crash data, overall installation, usage, performance data, and other information.
    4. Our products or services may include third-party products or services. When you use these products or services, we may also collect and use your information to provide you with services.
    5. For marketing activities: When you choose to participate in marketing activities hosted by us, you may provide your name, mailing address, contact information, bank account number, and other information based on the needs of the activity. This information is personal sensitive information and is necessary for you to receive transfers or gifts. If you refuse to provide this information, we will not be able to transfer or issue gifts to you.

    (II) Handling of changes in the purpose of collecting and using personal information

    Please understand that as our business develops, there may be adjustments to the functions and services provided by the "App". In principle, when new functions or services are related to registration and authentication login, taking photos/videos/stickers, following shots, selecting stickers, and beautifying tool editing of images, the personal information collected and used will be directly or reasonably related to the original purpose. In the case where the new purpose is not directly or reasonably related to the original purpose, we will inform you again and obtain your consent when we collect and use your personal information.

    (III) Collection and use of personal information without consent according to law

    Please understand that in the following circumstances, according to laws, regulations, and/or relevant national standards, we do not need to obtain your consent to collect and use your personal information:

    1. Directly related to national security or national defense security;
    2. Directly related to public safety, public health, or significant public interest; directly related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution;
    3. For the purpose of protecting the life, property, and other significant legal interests of the personal information subject or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
    4. The personal information you have voluntarily disclosed to the public;
    5. Collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;
    6. Essential for signing and fulfilling contracts at your request;
    7. Essential for maintaining the safety and stability of the "App" software and related services, such as discovering and disposing of faults in the "App" software and related services;
    8. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

    Please that if the information cannot be used alone or in combination with other information to identify your personal identity, it does not belong to your personal information in the legal sense; when your information can be used alone or in combination with other information to identify your personal identity, or we cannot establish a connection with any specific personal information, these pieces of information will be treated as your personal information and protected according to this privacy policy during the period of combined use.

  • II. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies
  • Cookies and similar technologies are commonly used on the internet. When you use the "App" software and related services, we may use related technologies to send one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect and store information about your access and use of the product.

    1. To ensure the safety and efficient operation of the product and services, we may set authentication and security cookies or anonymous identifiers to confirm whether you have logged in to the service securely, or whether you have encountered unauthorized use, fraud, and other illegal activities. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency and increase login and response speed.
    2. To help you have a more relaxed access experience, using such technologies can help you avoid the steps and processes of repeatedly selecting picture editing functions.
  • III. How We Store Personal Information
  • (I) Location of information storage

    We store the personal information collected and generated during our domestic operations within the People's Republic of China in accordance with legal regulations. Currently, we do not transfer the above information overseas. If we transfer overseas, we will follow the legal regulations and seek your explicit consent.

    (II) Storage period

    We only retain your personal information for the period necessary to provide the "App" and related services. For example, we will retain your account information as long as you have not withdrawn, deleted, or canceled your account. After exceeding the necessary period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

  • IV. How We Share, Transfer, and Disclose Personal Information
  • (I) Sharing, transferring, and collecting personal information with third parties

    We do not share, transfer, or obtain your personal information from third parties without your prior consent, or unless the shared, transferred information is anonymized and the third party cannot re-identify the natural person from such information.

    1. Sharing with related parties to achieve related functions or services
    2. When you use the "App" and related party-related services to provide content synchronization functions, the services you receive from us and related parties are consistent. To facilitate the unified management of your information, with your explicit consent, we may share your personal information with these related parties.

    3. Sharing with business partners to achieve specific functions
    4. When software service providers, intelligent device providers, or system service providers jointly provide services for you, for example, when you need to use location-based functions, to achieve this function, we may collect your location information and related device information, such as hardware model, operating system version number, after de-identification and provide it to the aforementioned providers. You can refuse to provide such information, but it will not affect your use of other services.

    5. Helping you participate in research and marketing activities
    6. When you choose to participate in research activities hosted by us, we may commission a third-party research institution to collect your name, mailing address, contact information, and other information according to the needs of the activity. We will require such third-party research institutions to ensure the security of your personal information at a level no lower than this privacy policy and not to use your personal information for any other purposes or uses without your prior permission. If you refuse to provide this information, we may not be able to provide you with gifts.

    4. Prudent evaluation and liability constraints for third parties sharing personal information

    (1) With your consent, we will only share the information necessary to achieve the purpose. If the third party needs to use personal information beyond the scope of authorization for business purposes, the third party will need to seek your autonomous consent again.

    (2) For third parties with whom we share your personal information, these third parties will sign confidentiality agreements with us. At the same time, we will evaluate their data security capabilities and environment and require the third party to handle the information with confidentiality and security measures no lower than those required by this privacy policy.

    5. Transfer of personal information in the event of acquisition, merger, or reorganization

    As our business continues to develop, we may undergo mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers, and your personal information may be transferred as a result. In the event of such changes, we will continue to protect or require the successor to continue to protect your personal information at a security standard no lower than this privacy policy, otherwise, we will require the successor to re-obtain your consent.

    (II) Public disclosure of personal information

    Except for announcing necessary information about accounts that violate regulations or fraudulent behavior, we will not disclose your information publicly unless in accordance with national laws and regulations or with your explicit consent. We will adopt industry-standard security protection measures for the public disclosure of your personal information.

    (III) Sharing, transferring, and public disclosure of personal information without consent according to law

    Please understand that in the following circumstances, according to laws, regulations, and/or relevant national standards, we do not need to obtain your consent to share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information:

    1. Directly related to national security or national defense security;
    2. Directly related to public safety, public health, or significant public interest;
    3. Directly related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution;
    4. For the purpose of protecting your or other individuals' life, property, and other significant legal interests but it is difficult to obtain your consent;
    5. Personal information you have voluntarily disclosed to the public;
    6. Collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels.

    V. How We Protect the Security of Personal Information

    (I) We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will endeavor to take reasonable security measures, including technical and managerial aspects, to protect your personal information from improper use or unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage, loss, or leak.

    (II) We will use encryption technology, anonymization processing, and other reasonable and feasible means that are not lower than industry peers to protect your personal information, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.

    (III) We will establish a dedicated security department, security management systems, and data security processes to ensure the security of your personal information. We have strict data usage and access systems to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your personal information, and we will conduct security audits on data and technology from time to time.

    (IV) Although we have taken the above reasonable and effective measures and have complied with the standards required by relevant laws and regulations, please understand that due to technical limitations and potential various malicious means, in the internet industry, even with the best efforts to strengthen security measures, it is not always possible to guarantee 100% security of information. We will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us. You should be aware and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may encounter problems beyond our controllable range. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take active measures to protect the security of your personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, changing passwords regularly, and not disclosing your account passwords and other personal information to others.

    (V) We will formulate emergency response plans and immediately activate them in the event of a user information security incident, in an effort to prevent the impact and consequences of such security incidents from expanding. Once a user information security incident (such as leakage, loss, etc.) occurs, we will inform you in a timely manner according to legal regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the relevant situation of the incident in the form of emails, letters, text messages, etc., and if it is difficult to inform each person individually, we will adopt reasonable and effective ways to publish announcements. At the same time, we will also report the handling situation of user information security incidents as required by relevant regulatory departments.

    (VI) We would like to particularly remind you that the personal information protection measures provided in this privacy policy only apply to the "App" software and related services. Once you leave the "App" and related services, and browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, we will not have the ability or obligation to protect any personal information you submit to software and websites outside the "App" software and related services, regardless of whether you log in, browse, or use the above software and websites based on the links or guidance of the "App".

  • VI. Your Rights
  • We attach great importance to your management of personal information and will do our best to protect your rights to access, modify (update or correct), delete personal information, and withdraw consent authorization, so that you have sufficient ability to protect your privacy and security.

    1. Managing and withdrawing consent to your information and marketing information
    2. 1. Changing or withdrawing consent to your information, you can withdraw your consent by canceling the login status, turning off features, changing application permissions in client settings, etc., changing the scope of personal information we continue to collect or withdrawing your authorization. Please understand that specific business functions and services will require your information to be completed. After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the functions and services corresponding to the withdrawn consent or authorization, nor will we process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the personal information processing carried out based on your authorization before.

      2. In certain circumstances, you have the right to request the deletion of your information or restriction of its use:

      (1) If our behavior of processing personal information violates laws and regulations; (2) If we collect and use your personal information without obtaining your consent; (3) If our behavior of processing personal information violates our agreement with you; (4) If we terminate the service and operation. If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us, requiring them to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, or if these entities have obtained your independent authorization. If we respond to your deletion request, we cannot guarantee the immediate deletion of the corresponding information from the backup system, but we will delete these information when the backup system is updated.

    3. Changing the scope of your consent or withdrawing your authorization: Please understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will not be able to continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawn consent or authorization, nor will we process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the personal information processing carried out based on your authorization before.

    4. Device permission invocation
    5. During the provision of services, the "App" will invoke some of your device permissions. You can choose to turn off some or all permissions in the device settings, thereby refusing the "App" to collect and use the corresponding personal information. The display and shutdown methods of permissions may vary in different devices. Please refer to the device or system development instructions and guidance. Your device system may open other permissions while authorizing necessary information, and the "App" itself cannot shut down authorization manually or automatically.

    6. Account cancellation
    7. You can apply for account cancellation in "Settings - Cancel Account". After you cancel the account, we will stop providing you with products and services, and based on your request, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will delete your personal information. Once the account is canceled, it will not be recoverable. Please back up all the information and data related to the account before the operation. After canceling the account, you will not be able to use the account again, and you will not be able to retrieve any content or information related to the account.

  • VII. Minor's Terms of Use
  • If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should ask your parents or other guardians to read and agree to this privacy policy under their guardianship and guidance before using the "App" software and related services. We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and will only collect, use, share, or disclose the personal information of minors with the consent of the law, parents, or other guardians, or when it is necessary to protect minors. If we find that we have collected the personal information of minors without obtaining the consent of the parents in advance, we will try to delete the relevant information as soon as possible. If you are a guardian of a minor and have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, please contact us through the contact information published in this privacy policy.

  • VIII. Amendments and Notifications of Privacy Policy
  • (I) In order to provide you with better services, the "App" software and related services will be updated and changed from time to time. We will revise this privacy policy in a timely manner. Such revisions will constitute part of this privacy policy and have the same effect as this privacy policy. However, without your explicit consent, we will not reduce the rights you enjoy according to the currently effective privacy policy. After the privacy policy is updated, we will issue the updated version on the "App" application client and official website, and remind you in an appropriate manner before the updated terms take effect.

    (II) After the privacy policy is updated, we will issue the updated version on the "App" application client and official website, and remind you of the updated content in an appropriate manner before the updated terms take effect, so that you can promptly understand the latest version of this privacy policy. If you continue to use our services, it means you agree to accept the content of the revised policy. However, if the updated content requires the collection of audio and video, contact information, location information, and other personal sensitive information, we will still seek your consent in a significant manner.

    (III) For significant changes, we will also provide more significant notifications (we will use emails, text messages, private messages, or special prompts on the browsing page, etc., to explain the specific changes in the privacy policy) The significant changes referred to in this privacy policy include but are not limited to:

    1. Our service model undergoes significant changes, such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the way personal information is used.
    2. Our ownership structure and organizational structure undergo significant changes, such as ownership changes caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy acquisitions, etc.;
    3. The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure change;
    4. Your rights to participate in personal information processing and the ways to exercise them undergo significant changes;
    5. Changes occur in the department responsible for personal information security, contact methods, and complaint channels of our company.
  • IX. How We Integrate Partners' SDKs
  • Please be aware that some of our services will be jointly provided by us and authorized partners. We will integrate partners' SDKs, and for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, they will collect your personal information necessary to implement product functions and services through the SDK interface. We do not collect any information in this process. Our partners are not allowed to use the collected personal information for purposes unrelated to the product or service. We will show you the purpose of integrating partners' SDKs; partners will collect your personal information necessary for product functions and services through the SDK interface; the type or identity of partners. Currently, our authorized partners include the following types:

    (1) SDK integration based on WeChat login and sharing. Currently, our WeChat login and sharing are provided by Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., and we will integrate Tencent's SDK, but we will not share any of your information with them. For more information, see the privacy policy link:

    (2) SDK integration based on data statistics. Our product integrates the Google Analytics SDK to provide statistical analysis services. For more information, see the privacy policy link:

    (3) Other SDK integrations, including but not limited to SDKs used to provide payment, social sharing, and other functions. We will clearly inform you of the types of information collected, the purpose of collection, and ensure that these partners comply with privacy protection standards equivalent to ours.

  • X. Scope of Application
  • This privacy policy applies to all services provided by the "App" software and its affiliated parties, including the "App" client, website, etc. It does not apply to third-party products or services that have separate privacy policies and are not included in this privacy policy. The "App" and related services described in this privacy policy may vary depending on the mobile phone model, system version, software application version, and other factors you use. The final products and services are based on the "App" software and related services you use.

  • XI. Other
  • (I) The titles in this "Privacy Policy" are set for convenience and reading, and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions in the "Privacy Policy".

    (II) The relevant terms in this "Privacy Policy" are defined as follows:

    1. The "App" software and related services refer to the client application legally owned and operated by the company and its affiliated parties, labeled as "App", which provides you with products and services, including but not limited to photography and interaction functions.

    2. Affiliated parties refer to any company, institution, or legal representative of the institution that now or in the future controls, is controlled by, or is under joint control with the other party. "Control" means having the ability to directly or indirectly influence the management of the mentioned company, whether through ownership, voting shares, contracts, or other legally recognized methods.

    (III) The copyright of this "Privacy Policy" belongs to the "App" software. Within the scope permitted by law, we have the right to interpret and modify it. If you have any questions about this policy or other related matters, please send an email to to contact us.